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I-11 & Intermountain West Corridor Study

Meeting Reports and Back-up Material

June 2014 Public Meetings: Public meetings were held in the Tucson, Phoenix and Las Vegas metropolitan areas and a month-long virtual meeting was held to present the draft Corridor Concept Report and study findings. Materials that were made available during the virtual meeting are located below.

May 21, 2014 Stakeholder Partners Meeting Summary (1.3 MB, 37 pages): A meeting was held at 5 locations (plus a webinar) with Stakeholder Partners to review the final Business Case and Implementation Program.

March 2014 Stakeholder Partners Meeting Summary (18 MB, 39 pages): A series of meetings were held at 5 locations (plus a webinar) with Stakeholder Partners to review draft recommendations, as well as the approach to the final Business Case, Implementation Plan, and Purpose and Need.

February 2014 Virtual Public Meeting Summary Report (36 MB, 225 pages): The purpose of this public information meeting was to provide an update on the project and to discuss and receive feedback on the Level 1 recommendations for the connectivity segments (Southern Arizona and Northern Nevada) and on the preliminary draft Level 2 recommendations for the Congressionally Designated segments (Phoenix Metropolitan Area, Northern Arizona/Southern Nevada and Las Vegas Metropolitan Area). All feedback received during this phase of engagement is included in this report as well as summary information received for each segment. Materials that were made available during the February 2014 Virtual Public Meeting are shown below.

January 2014 Stakeholder Partners Meeting Summary (8 MB): A series of meetings was held at 3 locations with Stakeholder Partners to review the results of the Level 2 Screening of alternatives.

October 2013, Public Meetings Summary Report (16MB): A second round of public information meetings were held at 5:30 p.m. MST/PDT in October 2013 in five locations throughout Arizona and Nevada.

October 2013 Stakeholder Partners Meeting Summary (10 MB): A series of meetings was held at 5 locations with Stakeholder Partners to review the results of the Level 1 Screening of alternatives.

November 21, 2013, Environmental & Resource Agency Coordination Meeting Summary (2MB): Meetings were held with resource agency, environmental, and Tribal Stakeholder Partners to request assistance in identifying environmental resource information needed for the Level 2 evaluation.

August 12 – 15, 2013 Stakeholder Partners Meeting Summary: A series of meetings was held with Stakeholder Partners to review the universe of possible alternatives for the Corridor. Five meetings were held throughout the study area.

July 16, 17 and 22, 2013 Stakeholder Partners Meeting Summary: A series of meetings was held with Stakeholder Partners to review the results of Phase 2, as well as to discuss and receive feedback on the goals and objective, evaluation framework and alternative modes to be considered for the Corridor. Three meetings were held throughout the study area.

February 26, 2013 Funding, Financing and Alternative Delivery Focus Group Meeting Summary: A meeting of interested Stakeholder Partners was held to get feedback on alternative project delivery, funding, finance and public-private partnership opportunities available to advance Corridor implementation.

February 19, 2013 Corridor Operations Focus Group Focus Group Meeting Summary: A meeting of interested Stakeholder Partners was held to get feedback on the potential for integrating multiple modes and transportation uses in Corridor development (vehicles, rail, aviation, freight, transit, intelligent transportation systems, etc.) as well as opportunities to enhance safety and mobility.

February 12, 2013 Land Use and Community Development Focus Group Meeting Summary: A meeting of interested Stakeholder Partners was held to get feedback on the impact and opportunities of Corridor development on local and regional land use plans and policies, the relationship of the Corridor to community development, and approaches for responsible urban growth.

February 5, 2013 Environment and Sustainability Focus Group Meeting Summary: A meeting of interested Stakeholder Partners was held to get feedback on environmental issues and opportunities for integrating sustainable principles in Corridor development.

January 29, 2013 Freight Users Focus Group Meeting Summary: A meeting of interested Stakeholder Partners was held to get feedback on opportunities for efficiently conveying freight within the Corridor, addressing the needs and concerns of freight users, and examining the potential for freight to stimulate economic development.

January 22, 2013 Economic Development Focus Group Meeting Summary: A meeting of interested Stakeholder Partners was held to get feedback on the potential opportunities for the Corridor to stimulate economic development both from a freight and jobs perspective.

January 8, 2013 Utility/Energy Focus Group Meeting Summary: A meeting of interested Stakeholder Partners was held to get feedback on the potential opportunities for the integration of utility and energy assets as part of Corridor development.

October 2012 Public Meeting Summary: Public meetings were held in Henderson, Nevada on October 18, 2012, and in Phoenix, Arizona on October 23, 2012.

September 26, 2012 Stakeholder Partners Meeting Summary: Interested public agencies, nonprofit organizations and private interests groups were invited to participate in a Stakeholder Partners group that is asked to provide data and other input, and to share their opinions and ideas on decision points throughout the process. Approximately 200 participants joined the first meeting that was conducted simultaneously in five locations and via a live webinar.



Sondra Rosenberg, PTP
Nevada Department of Transportation
1263 S. Stewart St.
Carson City, NV 89712

Michael Kies, PE
Arizona Department of Transportation
206 S. 17th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85007
